Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals Estrogenex Depot 90 tabs


Hi-Tech Estrogenex Depot is a new enhanced hormone regulation supplement for men. The formula contains chrysin, Brassaiopsis Glomerulata extract, Epiandrosterone, among others. An effective nutraceutical containing advanced aromatase inhibitors, it reduces the activity of SHBG globulin binding the male hormone testosterone.

Original price was: 1 402 Kč.Current price is: 1 026 Kč.

Kupte tuto položku a získejte 41 bodů - v hodnotě 82 

Hi-tech Estrogenex Depot 90 caps estrogen-restricting testosterone booster.
Hi-Tech Estrogenex Depot is a new enhanced hormone regulation supplement for men. The formula contains chrysin, Brassaiopsis Glomerulata extract, Epiandrosterone, among others. An effective nutraceutical containing advanced aromatase inhibitors, it reduces the activity of SHBG globulin binding the male hormone testosterone.
Estrogenex Depot is:
Increasing testosterone levels,
Reduction in estrogen activity,
Improved libido,
Improved well-being,
Increased sexual performance,
Reduces cortisol.

Shows positive effects on anabolic activity and increases muscle cell metabolism. The formula has an anti-ageing effect, in order to restore the natural ratio of testosterone to oestradiol, reduces excess oestrogen. The effect of Hi-Tech Estrogenex Depot is hard, dry muscle mass, increased testosterone synthesis and increased libido. In addition, the product reduces free radicals by acting as an antioxidant shield.

Ingredients of Hi-Tech Estrogenex Depot:

Brassaiopsis Glomerulata Extract – the plant is a source of aromatase inhibitors that effectively increase testosterone production, inhibit estrogen synthesis in men and regulate endocrine function. The plant has a strong anti-estrogenic effect, enabling it to increase testosterone levels and maintain the body’s hormonal balance. In addition, the plant has diuretic and antipyretic effects.

N-Benzoyl-L-Phenylalanine Methyl Ester – an often underestimated protein component with a wide range of applications in the context of both body shape development and anabolic processes, as well as improving focus, coordination or muscle sensation. An adequate dose of this compound contributes significantly to a more efficient nervous system.

8-Bromo-7-Methoxychrysin – a bioflavonoid found naturally in propolis (bee putty) and honey. It exhibits the ability to inhibit the DAX-1 protein, which is a negative regulator of the function of the StAR protein that determines the degree of restriction of testosterone synthesis in the testes. In this way, chrysin can increase the secretion of the male sex hormone. In addition, it shows the ability to inhibit the aromatase activity that converts testosterone to oestrogen.

Epiandrosterone – referred to as 5α-androstan-3β-ol-17-one, it is also known as isoandrosterone. It is a steroid hormone, naturally occurring as a metabolite of testosterone. It shows affinity for androgen receptors, activating them. Its important feature is that it does not undergo aromatisation, so it cannot be converted to oestrogen. Moreover, it shows the ability to inhibit P450 enzyme activity, stimulating endogenous testosterone secretion. Also important is epiandrosterone’s ability to reduce the activity of the globulin SHBG, which binds the male sex hormone to its biologically inactive form.

9-hydroxy-alpha-naphthoflavone – is a flavone derivative. It acts as an aromatase inhibitor. It is a strong competitive inhibitor of human cytochrome P-450 aromatase.

Indole-3-Carbinol – a heterocyclic compound that limits the ability of oestrogens to bind to their receptors. In this way, it promotes the action of androgens in the body. Furthermore, it is also an inhibitor of estrogen receptors, which also has a health dimension – thus reducing the risk of cancer. In addition, it is a precursor of diindylmethane, which shows the ability to direct precursor forms of oestrogen to be metabolised into less biologically active forms.

Beta-Sitosterol – a plant phytosterol used in the prevention of prostate treatment. Used in sports supplements as an ingredient to increase muscle mass. Stimulates anabolic processes in the body, reduces cholesterol absorption.

Stinging Nettle Extract – the plant and the substances it contains show strong antioxidant, anti-aggregation, anti-inflammatory, hypocholesterolemic and hypoglycaemic effects. These properties make nettle of increasing interest and new preventive and therapeutic applications are constantly being sought for its possible use in many diseases and ailments.

Muira Puama Extract – an herb used by Indians as a support for men. Its effectiveness is linked to its ability to stimulate androgen action in the body. It has a beneficial effect on libido, enhances sexual performance and aids in achieving and maintaining an erection. It also has a tonic effect on nervous system function. It may also enhance cognitive abilities due to its ability to stimulate serotonergic mechanisms.

Naringen – a bioflavonoid naturally found in grapefruit. It has a protective effect on the cardiovascular system, showing the ability to strengthen blood vessel walls and lower cholesterol levels. With regard to endocrine metabolism, it is active as a potent inhibitor of the P450 enzyme. It thus stimulates the synthesis of testosterone and reduces its conversion to oestrogen.

Dosage of Hi-Tech Estrogenex Depot:
1 tablet 3 times a day.


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  • Dlouho se na něj čeká
  • Peníze asi fuč

Produkt jsem z obchodu MB neobdržel

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  • Kvalitní
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  • Lepší pumpa
  • Více energie
  • Větší žilnatost
  • Nevím kolik je v 1 kapsli

Nevím kolik je v 1 kapsli , 250mg nebo 500mg Agmatinu. Ale asi 250mg . Dávkuji podle situace. K Americe dávám 1-2 kapsle. K Evropě dávám 3-4 kapsle.

Ověřený zákazník, 21.08.2024
  • Dobře nakopne
  • Turbo na celý trénink
  • Začít s menší dávkou
  • Nevím kolik to má kofeinu
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Já dávám 7g POISONU a 14g Thoru Stim-Free a k tomu ještě 2 cap. Agmatine Sulfate. Mám po tom pumpu jako blázen. Moje váha 102kg. Takže kdo to bude chtít zkusit , tak si upravte dávkování podle své osobní váhy.

Ověřený zákazník, 21.08.2024
  • Dobře nakopne
  • Turbo na celý trénink
  • Začít s menší dávkou
  • Nevím kolik to má kofeinu
  • Celá odměrka-10g může být pro někoho dost

Já dávám 7g POISONU a 14g Thoru Stim-Free a k tomu ještě 2 cap. Agmatine Sulfate. Mám po tom pumpu jako blázen. Moje váha 102kg. Takže kdo to bude chtít zkusit , tak si upravte dávkování podle své osobní váhy.

Ověřený zákazník, 21.08.2024
  • Dobře nakopne
  • Turbo na celý trénink
  • Začít s menší dávkou
  • Nevím kolik to má kofeinu
  • Celá odměrka-10g může být pro někoho dost

Já dávám 7g POISONU a 14g Thoru Stim-Free a k tomu ještě 2 cap. Agmatine Sulfate. Mám po tom pumpu jako blázen. Moje váha 102kg. Takže kdo to bude chtít zkusit , tak si upravte dávkování podle své osobní váhy.

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Ověřený zákazník, 01.08.2024
  • Vyseká vás
  • Dá vám tvary
  • Turbo trénink

Vhodné do objemu i do diety. Já beru v dietě. Zabrání zbytečnému pálení svalové hmoty. Při dobrém tréninku a kvalitní stravě, shodíte tuk a svaly vám zůstanou. Doporučuji pro kulturisty kteří už pár let posilují.

Ověřený zákazník, 01.08.2024
  • Funguje
  • Vyseká vás
  • Více energie
  • Někdy mně pálil žaludek

Nedoporučuji lidem mladším 21 let.

Ověřený zákazník, 01.08.2024
  • Vyseká vás
  • Žilnatost
  • Více energie
  • Turbo do cvičení

Beru 1 cap. ráno a 1 cap. večer na lačno . Pořádně zapít vodou. Do diety k tomu doporučuji nějaký spalovač tuku. Doporučuji k tomu zvýšit příjem tekutin.

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  • Více energie
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  • chuť není nějak skvělá

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